USCIS Increase Fees in December
Posted by on 2016/11/17    Posted in

USCIS just announced that many of its filing fees will increase on December 23, 2016. Though many of the increases are not substantial the I-526 application filing fee will increase by approximately 145% from $1,500 USD to $3,675 USD. The most likely reason for this increase is the great amount of time necessary to adequately review all supporting documents for I-526 applications. USCIS is primarily funded by filing fees and must generate sufficient revenue from such fees to cover its costs in adjudicating applications. To avoid paying the increased filing fee we advise all clients to quickly prepare all source of funds documentation and file before December 23, 2016.

The following chart shows how much all current USCIS filing fees will increase on December 23, 2016: